Monday, March 7, 2011


The place was mainly silence except for the clicking of keyboards. The place itself prohibited the use of mobile phone. One rang and an old-ish woman picked it up and talked slowly. A bank teller asked her to step outside when making a call. Normal. A lot of phones rang that day. Be it mobile or stationary. Normal.

Than a ringtone broke the mild silence. "Oh oh oh oh oh" the sound came out of her phone. Even before another ooh could have come up, the lady picked up the phone covering her face with her hands as if she could be invisible at that time. Everybody looked at her.

She was red in embarrassment. She couldn't think straight as she mumbled slowly talking on the phone. She wanted to dig up her grave at that moment in time. It seemed like thousand of eyes were watching her. Any other day she wouldn't have gotten these looks even if she picked up her phone in a bank.

But today was different. It was the day that she realized she had to change her Justin Beiber ring tone.


ieraLEE said...

bwahaha awesome!

ieraLEE said...

on a completely unrelated note, oh wait it kinda does, i dont know, you judge, my phone goes "do it like a dude, do it like a dude"

Zulhilmi said...

commercial pop is soo one dimensional nowadays...haha

ieraLEE said...

there. changed it to Jack Black's version of Highway to hell.

Zaza B. said...

At a ktm station. Suddenly I heard Justin Bieber's ringtone goes "Ohhhhhhh~ Ohhhhhh~". Was thinking that the phone belongs to some school girl. And then....I saw.... an old lady around her 40s. Picking up the phone without any guilt in her face. What a moment

Zulhilmi said...

What's the female version of pedo? hahaha

ieraLEE said...

easy. cougar :P

Zulhilmi said...

I would think that cougar is used not as negative as pedo would be.. I mean if your a pedo, is more a probability of you getting jail time than a cougar.