Wednesday, January 12, 2011

0. Running out of my mind

I seemed to have gotten lost in the woods. I was sweating profusely from all the running. Of course I was running, when there's an eight foot giant bear who seemed like it wants to have me for sashimi. I know it'd be better to have salmon for sashimi and me as a slightly under cooked teppanyaki but under these circumstances he'd pretty much get bored waiting for me to cook.

I tried to call for help but to no avail, so I climbed a tree to get a better view of any available survival spots. It was a bad idea. The bear started pounding its whole body against the tree to have me fall down from it. This bear had to work hard for its food today. Kinda like those buffet tables during breaking of fast in those overly priced hotels. I guess he needed some exercise before a meal. There he was pounding the tree as I hold on for my measly life. I shouted all I could but no one was responding. I felt as every thump of its pounding made more and more branches fall. I knew I didn't have much more time. If only people around me knew how I felt about them. If only I had been able to say goodbye before I came into such predicament. Somehow though predicament isn't a big enough word to express such a situation.

This was it. My final minutes of life. I had only one branch left between me and death. One branch that if broken meant I would be more dead than Elvis or Michael Jackson combined. One branch that eventually broke. I was plummeting to my death with the bear ready down below to finish off any sense of life left in me but my neck broke on impact and died immediately resulting in a corpse lunch for the bear. *shrugs*

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