I know you kinda have problems with your internet connection right now and your probably going to miss this post unless you were soo bored that before you clicked on the archive button or older post button you scratched your fingers against the blackboard just to have a higher level of entertainment than this.
I'm here to make you feel like laughing (unintentionally of course), disgust, paranoid, nausea, and other symptoms that involved involuntary vomiting. I got you going now didn't I. Ha ha. So how long has it been? You say 1 and a half years, and I say because of the "life changes", so to speak, it was like a lifetime. Tom-ato, to-mato. (In that song British, American thing). I know, it had been that long. You were busy, I wasn't. When you weren't busy, I wasn't as well. Ha ha. I'm not sorry for disturbing you doing your work though. Ha ha. ( We're each others killjoy right?). I'm sticking to the fact that you are getting older you know. Which reminds me to ask you, why 18 anyway? Of all the numbers that could have been taken. You picked 18.
When I said I was a bit different than before, I sugar-coated it a bit didn't I. (I know, I know..Your saying, "A bit?! Really? A Bit?!). I blame it on responsibilities I tell ya. Too early to have 'em. Ha ha. At least I haven't lost my sense of humor right? And I see the same from you. After all, it is what makes us sane, right? Of course as usual had a blast even though it was slightly marred by an overdose of dairy on your part. Ha ha. ( I won't forget it as well ). To answer your question, yes I do think I have matured a bit over the last couple of years. It might be a bit surprising to know that I'm not stuck reading only comics anymore. Ha ha.
So anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is that thank you for your time. Thank you for keeping me sane all these years. I'll try not to go missing again. Ha ha. As long as you always make me feel that home is home ( after everyone's departure into "adulthood". ) Your still no Peter Pan of young adult by the way. Ha ha. So thank you friend. Best friend.
I know, I know. Your gonna some how get all wound up about the sentimentality of the matter and that its all gdik..gdik.. Ha ha. Which I still don't know the exact definition to. Ha ha. I nose you too well la amoi. And vise versa. Ha ha.
I needed a sign.
5 years ago
kepada siapakah?
haha...adakah itu satu jawapan perlu dijawap??
i think you know but saja nak confirm..haha
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